Committee Meetings

Agenda for the Committee Meeting to be held on Tuesday the 21st of January 2025

  1. Present
  2. Apologies
  3. Approval of previous minutes
  4. Actions from the previous meetings
  5. Committee Matters
  6. Planning issues and updates, and planning applications received since previous meeting and PCC Planning Report. * including the following from the attached revised PCC Planning Report
    (i) The PCC received an anonymous letter about the installation of replacement windows in a building related to St. Joseph's Parish Church, Rosetta Road. The revised planning report with the letter is attached.
    (ii) See attached PDF of email sent to Michael Marshall about the proposed opening of an entrance in Haylodge Boundary Wall. We agreed not to object to this application and this has been submitted to SBC.
  7. Chambers Institution and Common Good matters
  8. Update on the Mills of Tweeddale Project
  9. Membership renewal
  10. PCS Talks - preparation for talk on Wednesday 19th February 2025
  11. Update on membership
  12. Financial update
  13. Correspondence/Reports received
  14. Website update
  15. Any other business

Dates of next meetings: the Burgh Chambers room has been booked for 7.30pm for the following dates in 2025:

18th February, 25th March, 15th April, 20th May, 17th june, 15th july, 19th August, 16th September, 21st October, 18th November, 16th December.