Agenda for the Committee Meeting to be held on Tuesday the 18th of February 2025
- Present
- Apologies
- Approval of previous minutes
- Actions from the previous meetings
- Committee Matters
- Planning issues and updates, and planning applications received since previous meeting and PCC Planning Report.
- Chambers Institution and Common Good matters
- Update on the Mills of Tweeddale Project
- Membership renewal
- PCS Talks
- preparation for talk on Wednesday 19th February
preparation for talk on Wednesday 18th March
- Update on membership and renewals
- Financial update
- Correspondence/Reports received
- Website update
- Any other business
Dates of next meetings: the Burgh Chambers room has been booked for 7.30pm for the following dates in 2025:
25th March, 15th April, 20th May, 17th june, 15th july, 19th August, 16th September, 21st October, 18th November, 16th December.