
Peebles Civic Society aims to encourage public interest in the past, present and future of Peebles.

We support local heritage projects and work to promote high standards of architecture and town planning.

If you care about Peebles and the surrounding area, please contact us. Membership costs only £5 per year and your support can make a big difference.

News and Events

Winter Programme

Dan Sweeney will be giving our February talk based on his book Farewell Grandeur: Lost Mansions and Houses of Southern Scotland, which was published in May of last year. This talk will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 19th February in the Anne Younger Studio of the Eastgate Theatre, PeeblesFree tickets are available from the Eastgate Box office.

Whilst the fine houses of Mellerstain, Paxton, Traquair and Abbotsford are architectural treasures, many other similar buildings have been been lost...more... 


New Book Release

Kingsmeadows Book CoverMembers may be interested to note that local historian and writer, Mrs. Sandra Whitnell, has released a new book titled, " Not Just a Modest Country House: the social history of Kingsmeadows House, Peebles 1795 - 2011". Sandra has been a long-time supporter of the Peebles Civic Society and made a significant contribution to our heritage project that celebrated Peebles High Street in 2013/2014. The book is available from Whities Books & Crafts (Peebles) or from Amazon. The cost is £5 and all proceeds from the sale will pass to the Peeblesshire Food Bank - highly recommended.



Committee Meetings

The committee will be holding its next meeting on Tuesday the 21st of January at 7.30pm. If you have any concerns, or would like to contact the committee, please contact us.